Green Blue Grey Infrastructure participatory design with marginalised communities
The aim of my RECLAIM secondment with Spelthorne Borough Council was to engage the wider community in the borough to establish a strong GBGI baseline for assessing the impacts of emerging developments, including Heathrow expansion and the River Thames Scheme.
After successfully contributing to the inclusion of a Green Corridor policy within Neighbourhood Planning through a community led participatory process (Figure 1), I was keen to explore how the participatory process can be scaled-up to the local authority level, so I enthusiastically took up the RECLAIM secondment opportunity to work with community members and Spelthorne Borough Council officers. The aim of the secondment was to lead a participatory approach that would feed into the emerging Local Plan and engage with the needs and desires of local community members, especially low-income and vulnerable groups.
But first, a little bit about my background to provide some context. I am a Senior Lecturer in Environmental Information Systems at the Open University. When I turned 50, two years ago, I went part-time because I wanted to work more directly with communities. In May 2022, I was elected as a councillor within Runnymede Borough Council which gives me an opportunity to understand and influence local policy making, especially with regards to GBGI, sustainability, and climate change. But I'm also a co-director of a community interest company, called the Cobra Collective, that's focused on enabling lesser heard voices to share their experiences and gain greater agency. My RECLAIM secondment was through the Cobra Collective.
As the objective of this secondment was to see if we could scale up the participatory process up to the borough level and beyond, it was useful to see where community engagement processes were already mentioned in local authority GBGI policy. For example, Surrey County Council's principles for GBI [2] include:
“Principle 6: Planned inclusively and collaboratively
Create opportunities to engage communities and landowners in the planning, creation, enhancement, delivery and maintenance of nature-based solutions. Local involvement will embed green and blue infrastructure into the community and lead to better design and maintenance.”
Principle 7: Public benefit for all
Green and blue infrastructure must deliver public benefits for all both directly and indirectly, including recreational and health and wellbeing benefits. Interventions to achieve public benefits should consider the needs of all social groups to ensure inclusivity.”
[2] Surrey County Council (2022) Green and blue infrastructure: best practice and case studies. Url:
These principles therefore require processes for community engagement and the need to demonstrate direct community benefits, with the reference to “all social groups” strongly suggesting that the needs and aspirations of marginalised groups are paramount, especially given that it is these groups that have the least access to green spaces. However, in my review of local authority practices, I struggled to see example of participatory and inclusive process implemented in practice. Instead, I repeatedly came across example of GBGI policies developed and implemented in a top-down way. The only process of community engagement, if at all, was a period of consultation on a near-final document published on a website, with only a few weeks to provide comments, but that is as far as it goes: no facilitated processes, no co-design, no assessment of community impact, especially on the most vulnerable.
So, the secondment was an opportunity to radically change the approach, and this was perfectly in line with RECLAIM Network’s objectives to promote multi-functionality, systems thinking, embedding aesthetics and people’s needs into GBGI design in order to maximise buy-in. We needed to go beyond the siloed top-down approach that many GBGI professionals use. For example, one of the main challenges that I had in the secondment was trying to work with officers that only had climate change or biodiversity or community services under their remit. We really needed much more joined-up thinking across departments.
The RECLAIM Network secondment provided £3,000 of funding for my 20-days of work with Spelthorne Borough Council. It didn't cover my time which I provided in-kind, but it did cover the costs of bringing in experts (including a professional participatory video trainer), hiring a workshop venue, and paying for participants' travel expenses. But because of the scale of the task, I also had to seek other sources of funding to drive this. The Local Government Association, in collaboration with UCL, through their Net Zero Innovation Programme, also gave £12,000 for a ‘Community-led Climate Initiative’ process. The Open University also involved Spelthorne in a project aimed at local authority policy change towards climate-resilient agri-food systems. All these additional sources of support helped the overall engagement process.
The partners in the community engagement process were Spelthorne Borough Council and, crucially, the Talking Tree Climate Emergency Centre. Talking Tree operates out of a shop on Staines High Street made available by Spelthorne Borough Council. This was the hub through which all of our community engagement workshops and meetings were carried out. It was absolutely crucial to have a community-based entity like Talking Tree supporting this. The Open University supported aspects of the projects, through, for example, paying for Talking Tree facilitators, and I also had a lot of help from local biodiversity specialists.
The process involved a very transdisciplinary and holistic approach inspired by Soft Systems Methodology[3] (SSM). This approach is used to work through complex challenges and has been successfully applied all over the world. You start off SSM with exploring the context and the issues at play. One of the big issues that we have as professionals when we support community members in deliberations is that you can't dive straight in asking: "Well what do you think about GBI in your area?" First of all, most community members, especially from under-represented backgrounds, have never heard of the term ‘green and blue infrastructure’. So you've got to start from where they are at, their concerns and their interests. And the easiest way to start from where they're at is to get them to explore their challenges. One of the key exploratory techniques used in SSM is the ‘rich picture’ technique, where participants are involved in drawing a collective visual representation of the issues at hand (Figure 4).
[3] Soft Systems Methodology is a powerful participatory process used to tackle complex real-world problems, and has been taught for over 30 years at The Open University. See the following introduction to the process:§ion=6
The next step in the SSM process is that you look at the interests that various stakeholders have in the situation and try to mediate between these various interests. In this case, our focus was very much on mediating between the interests and actions championed by community members, and the limitations and constraints of Spelthorne Borough Council, who were represented in the workshops by two officers. You then get to a phase where you support participants in identifying a range of feasible and desirable interventions, which are refined down to one or more practical intervention, and then finally you take action, learn lessons, evaluate impact, and then re-explore how the context has changed in an ongoing action learning cycle (Figure 4).
This work has been supported by the UKRI-funded RECLAIM Network Plus grant (EP/W034034/1).
By Andrea Berardi, Co-Director at Cobra Collective.