One of the knowledge gaps identified by the RECLAIM Network was the lack of images for public use that illustrate how GBI are in practice. So a call was opened in 2024 to emerging and established photographers to submit their work and contribute to creating an image bank to foster the promotion and knowledge of urban green and blue infrastructures.

The competition allowed for the creation of the first worldwide public image database on GBGI hosted on Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository.

Competition Jury

  • Nerea Calvillo

    Curator & RECLAIM Network Co-I

  • Gonzalo Herrero Delicado

    Curator and Lecturer, Central Saint Martins and RCA

  • Lucia Pietrousti

    Curator and Head of Ecologies, Serpentine

  • Poulomi Basu


Winner : Best Picture

Image credit: UrbanAgriculture Kolkata” by Avijit Ghosh, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

 Urban Agriculture (Kolkata, India)

Avijit Ghosh (2019)

RECLAIM Urban Green and Blue Infrastructures Photography Competition, WINNER BEST PICTURE

Women are farming in a city farm in Kolkata. Farms like these helps in balancing demand and supply of food within the city which is necessary in dealing with climate change.

Winner : Other Natures

Image credit:   “Multispecies tree pit in Madrid” by Mireia Ferri, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

 Multispecies tree pit at Casa de Campo Park (Madrid, Spain)

Mireia Ferri (2024)

RECLAIM Urban Green and Blue Infrastructures Photography Competition, WINNER OTHER NATURES


Winner : Forgotten Cities

Image credit:   “Pumkin plant constructing a green roof in Homs” By Marwa Al-Sabouni, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Pumkin plant constructing a green roof (Homs, Syria)

Marwa Al-Sabouni (2024)

RECLAIM Urban Green and Blue Infrastructures Photography Competition, WINNER FORGOTTEN CITIES.

Winner : Under Represented Communities

Image credit:   A small appropriated community garden in a favela in Diadema, periphery of São Paulo” By Laurenz Garbo, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Community gardening (São Paulo, Brazil)

Laurenz Garbo (2022)

RECLAIM Urban Green and Blue Infrastructures Photography Competition, WINNER UNDER REPRESENTED COMMUNITIES

A small appropriated community garden in a favela in Diadema, in the periphery of São Paulo.

Winner : Most Unique GBGI

Image credit: “Nipa Palm Restaurant in Kedah, Malaysia” By Mohammad Zakee Zailan, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Nipah Palm Restaurant (Kedah, Malaysia)

Mohammad Zakee Zailan (2023)

RECLAIM Urban Green and Blue Infrastructures Photography Competition, WINNER MOST UNIQUE GBI

Runner Up

People Bathing at Unterer Letten Zurich By Laurenz Garbo, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Runner Up

“Green Wall in the University Gardens in Valencia, Spain” By George Zoukis, licensed under CC0

Runner Up

“A walk through Delta Văcărești, Bucharest, may 2020” By Iulia Dana Baceanu, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0