Webinar #5 in the RECLAIM Network Webinar Series took place on the 5th October 2022.
Webinars will share best-practice and facilitate knowledge exchange between practitioners, researchers, policymakers, businesses, environmental groups, charities and individuals interested in implementation of green-blue-grey infrastructure for making our vulnerable living spaces more healthy, sustainable and resilient.
Dr Nasrin Aghamohammaddi
University of Malaya, Malaysia
Title of the talk: “Nature-Based climate solutions for urban heat island mitigation in tropics”
Dr Nasrin Aghamohammadi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Malay, Malaysia. Her core expertise is in environmental engineering, air pollution, climate change adaptation, the urban heat island phenomenon, and health impact. She graduates from University of Malaya in Chemical Engineering (PhD) and Civil Engineering (MSc). With an extensive background in pure and applied research as well as an engineering background, Nasrin has a wide range of experience in projects involving air, water, wastewater, solid waste, and related health issues.
Prof Thora Tenbrink
Bangor University, UK
Title of the talk: “Why talking about places matters in times of climate change”
Thora Tenbrink is Professor of Linguistics at Bangor University. Her expertise is in using linguistic analysis to understand how people think. She is author of “Cognitive Discourse Analysis: An Introduction” (Cambridge University Press, 2020) and "Space, Time, and the Use of Language" (de Gruyter, 2007), and has published about 40 peer-reviewed journal articles in areas of language and cognition. At Bangor University she is the Director of the Places of Climate Change Research Centre, a centre with many overlapping interests with the RECLAIM network.