Webinar #23 of the RECLAIM Network Webinar Series took place on the 10th April 2024.
Webinars will share best-practice and facilitate knowledge exchange between practitioners, researchers, policymakers, businesses, environmental groups, charities and individuals interested in implementation of green-blue-grey infrastructure for making our vulnerable living spaces more healthy, sustainable and resilient.
Title of the talk:
“What has Green-blue grey infrastructure (GBGI) ever done for us?”
Biography :
Dr Louise Firth is a marine ecologist and lecturer at University College Cork. She is a globally-recognized expert on applying nature-based solutions to artificial structures in the marine environment. Her research focuses on understanding the ecology of the marine built environment and she is particularly interested in developing novel ways of making space for nature in human-dominated environments
Tom Wild
Principal Investigator for Connexus, University of Sheffield
Title of the talk: “Valuation and impacts of urban nature-based solutions”
Tom is based in the Department of Landscape Architecture at University of Sheffield where he is the Principal Investigator for the Horizon 2020 project Conexus (www.conexusnbs.com). Tom is an ecologist, specialising in aquatic and riparian ecosystems, and catchment management practices. His research interests centre around the conditions, policies and practices that enable or hinder the rehabilitation and regeneration of impacted (and semi-natural) ecosystems. Much of his work has been concerned with values and the economic valuation of blue-green infrastructure and nature-based solutions, such as sustainable urban drainage (SUDS), deculverting and river restoration.