Webinar #9 in the RECLAIM Network Webinar Series took place on the 1st February 2023.
Webinars will share best-practice and facilitate knowledge exchange between practitioners, researchers, policymakers, businesses, environmental groups, charities and individuals interested in implementation of green-blue-grey infrastructure for making our vulnerable living spaces more healthy, sustainable and resilient.
Angus Cunningham
CEO & Founder of Scotscape
Title of the talk: “Breathing life into cities via living walls, living pillars and micro-forests”
Angus Cunningham is the CEO and founder of Scotscape. Scotscape are an innovation led Company who have developed a number of urban greening initiatives that combine technology and Nature to encourage biodiversity into our cities to make them healthier and happier places to live work and play.
Prof Maarten Van Reeuwijk
Professor in Urban Fluid Mechanics, Imperial College London
Title of the talk: “Urban trees: How do they affect air quality?”
Maarten van Reeuwijk is a Professor in Urban Fluid Mechanics in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London. Maarten's research interests comprise the urban air quality, turbulent dispersion, urban heat islands and microclimate and blue-green solutions. He is co-chair of the Urban Fluid Mechanics Special interest group which organizes biannual workshops to bring together companies, governmental organisations and academics with an interest in the urban environment.