Webinar #16 in the RECLAIM Network Webinar Series took place on the 6th September 2023.
Webinars will share best-practice and facilitate knowledge exchange between practitioners, researchers, policymakers, businesses, environmental groups, charities and individuals interested in implementation of green-blue-grey infrastructure for making our vulnerable living spaces more healthy, sustainable and resilient.
Dr Tristan Kershaw
Lecturer in Climate Resilience, University of Bath
Title of the talk: “ Utilising Green and Blue Infrastructure to mitigate the Urban Heat Island and Promote Climate Resilience”
Tristan Kershaw is a lecturer in climate resilience, within the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at the University of Bath. A physicist by training his research now focuses upon the topics of building physics, sustainability, climate change adaptation and the urban heat island mitigation. This talk presents some highlights from recent and ongoing research being carried out by Tristan and his research students into how green and blue space can alter the urban microclimate, mitigate the urban heat island and offset the effects of climate change, making urban areas a healthier place to live.
Professor Fang Wang
Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Title of the talk: “Soil environment and sustainable development”
Prof. Wang is a Professor at Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She has worked at Munich Technical University, RWTH Aachen University, Helmholtz Munich Center, and Michigan State University. Her research focuses on soil pollution and remediation. She has published 200 articles in The Innovation, Environ Sci Technol, Water Research, etc. She has been awarded Alexander von Humboldt Fellow for Experienced Researcher from Germany; Shennong Young Talent from China; and Young Talent of Lu Jia-Xi from Chinese Academy of Sciences.