Webinar #29 in the RECLAIM Network Webinar Series took place on the 2nd October 2024.
Webinars will share best-practice and facilitate knowledge exchange between practitioners, researchers, policymakers, businesses, environmental groups, charities and individuals interested in implementation of green-blue-grey infrastructure for making our vulnerable living spaces more healthy, sustainable and resilient.
Prof Glenn McGregor
Department of Geography, Durham University, UK
Title of the talk:
“Heatwaves and the Urban Environment’
Biography :
Prof Glenn McGregor graduated from the University of Auckland (Bsc/MSc), and the University of Canterbury (PhD) in NZ. He has worked in Japan, Papua New Guinea, Hong Kong, NZ, and the UK. Presently he holds the title of Professor of Climatology and Principal of Ustinov College at Durham University. Former academic service roles include President of the Intl Society of Biometeorology, Chief Editor of the International Journal of Climatology, WMO Lead Expert on Climate and Health and lead author for the IPCC Special Report on Extreme Events and the IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report. He is presently a member of the management committee for the WMO’s Global Heat Health Information Network. Glenn’s main research interests are the drivers of climate related health outcomes.
Sasha Gibbs
Public Art and Engagement, Public Voice
Title of the talk: “Public Voice: Common Ground. Public engagement and the public realm”
After studying textile design in the ‘90s and winning an RSA design bursary at John Lewis, Sasha’s early career was in art and design. This included 3 years at Condé Nast’s The World of Interiors, Events Director at ArtHouse Jersey and Gallery Director at CCA Galleries International. Sasha represents and mentors artists in London, Jersey and South Korea and has developed a practical attitude to living and working with design, craft, art and artists. She is curator and business advisor to the NFT start up noonssup.io.
She was involved in enabling the Jersey Art Strategy 2022 – 25 and acts as a public art consultant to developers and government. In 2022 she was commissioned to research improving Jersey’s public realm through sustainable partnership. This led to a series of co-created public realm projects and the public realm pilot Public Voice: Common Ground https://publicvoicecommonground.co.uk Sasha works with artists to lead effective community engagement. She works with business, government, community and third sectors to deliver better public spaces for people.