June 2022 Newsletter

Dear RECLAIM Network Members,

Hope you are well! Below are updates over the past month.

Funding Opportunity - First Call for Secondment Funding

We are pleased to release our call for funding for secondments for early career participants. This is an opportunity to work with the like-minded people working across different sectors interested in Green-Blue-Grey Infrastructure. 

The call is aimed to offer funding support to foster exchanges between cities, business and academia, with emphasis on benefitting links between different types of organisation, and of early-career researchers (e.g. PhDs, PDRAs, new academics).

Proposals must be received by the RECLAIM Network using the online form by 2359 BST Monday 01 August 2022. Enquiries may be emailed to info@reclaim-network.org or directly to our team member Dt Thomas Kjeldsen at trk23@bath.ac.uk

Here is a blog article that summaries the process: https://reclaim-network.org/blog/reclaim-network-plus-secondment-opportunities

May I please request all of you to please circulate the opportunity among your network.

Announcement of RECLAIM Network Webinar #2

We are pleased to announce the Webinar #2 of RECLAIM Network on 06 July 2022 - 1230-1330. The details of the event can be found here: https://reclaim-network.org/events/reclaim-network-webinar-series-two

You can register directly here: https://surrey-ac.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_bfQ1iScLSjOL00900rTJaA

Recording of RECLAIM Webinar #1

  1. Thank you to everyone who managed to attend the webinar #1 (details below). If you miss the first webinar, you can see the recording at RECLAIM Network+ YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4xPfJG-Mbo4LvhL3rtVptHETgLU6w0GX

Just to remind that we launched the RECLAIM Network Webinar Series in May 2022. It will consist of 18 one-hour online sessions, once per month, until March 2024. Each session will have 2 speakers, each speaking for 20 minutes, with time for discussion afterwards. The webinar will be recorded and made available to the RECLAIM Network YouTube channel (link in item #2 above). 

The details on the dates of webinars can be found here: https://www.surrey.ac.uk/global-centre-clean-air-research/events/reclaim-network-plus-webinar-series

Open Call for Speakers for RECLAIM Webinar Series

We wish to have a balance between academic and non-academic speakers for our webinars. While we have several invited speakers, we are invitating speakers for the webinar series. If your work fits the scope of the webinars and you are interested to present for 20 minutes, please send an email to any of the network members or directly to info@reclaim-network.org or p.kumar@surrey.ac.uk

Alternatively you can fill the online form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdwMxMausLBwALrzEssaxMZZEyhR02SNpIMlQuc-6Mm-peMfw/viewform

New Members Update

We have at present 293 members, who come from a wide variety of sectors as seen below. 

Below is the sign up link for the new membership form. Please share among your network, and especially encourage your contacts in city decision-making and local government to join:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSccf7oDVIY6JvHProUgLgNh0RQdTaPtj2WeetJqwUF8mPy_1A/viewform


  1. Our webpage is regularly being updated. You can now find various details, including partners and members map. Other pages are under development and regularly updated. Please visit for further details: https://reclaim-network.org

LinkedIn Group Page

  1. Our LinkedIn Group page is joined by 109 members currently. If you are on LinkedIn, you can follow the RECLAIM Network group here: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12660058/

YouTube Channel

  1. You can bookmark the YouTube channel where most of the recordings of past events, including webinars, can be found: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4xPfJG-Mbo4LvhL3rtVptHETgLU6w0GX


  1. We are delighted to cross 200 followers on Twitter. Please follow us for the latest updates: https://twitter.com/reclaim_network

 What’s next?

  1. We are working on the:

  • Announcement of our work RECLAIM Workshop.

  • First ‘Scoping’ and ‘Feasibility’ studies  calls; and 

  • Regularly updating our website. Please keep an eye on it for further details. 

Thank you for reading.

Kind regards,

Prashant, Laurence and the RECLAIM Network Team


July 2022 Newsletter


May 2022 Newsletter